Federal Funding confirmed for new MN Veterans Homes
TO: MDVA Stakeholders
I’m pleased to share that MDVA has been notified that all three of Minnesota’s proposed new State Veterans Homes projects (to be located in Bemidji, Montevideo and Preston) will receive federal funding this year. The U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) recently released the State Home Construction Grants FY 2021 Conditional Approvals.
We have pursued Federal funding for these important projects since 2018. This investment will allow MDVA to expand our State Veterans Homes into three new communities to serve our elderly Veterans living in all corners on the state.
In 2018, the Minnesota Legislature allocated $33 million toward the cost of the projects. The funding plan is a combination of federal-granted (65 percent), state-bonded and community-provided monies (35 percent).
We appreciate the Minnesota Legislature’s past support of our Veterans and these projects. The approval of Federal funds will allow us to now move forward with construction. The planning and design process is nearly complete and now with this exciting news, those final touches can be made.
The three new Minnesota Veterans Homes projects are slated to receive more than $80 million in Federal VA funds. By June 30, MDVA will complete the Federal VA grant application process to obtain the funds.
MDVA leaders have worked closely with local elected officials and Veterans’ stakeholders on the planning for the new Veterans Homes. The communities of Bemidji, Montevideo and Preston have been very engaged in the process, donating land for the building sites and raising additional funds to support amenities for the new Homes.
- In Bemidji, the proposed facility reflects a North Woods cabin design for both the public spaces as well as the 72 residential units that are split into two sections, avoiding long institutional-feeling hallways. The project cost is estimated at $41.5 million and a total of 105 FTEs will be needed to operate the facility.
- The Montevideo facility blends into the local prairie style environment with 72 residential units as well as a large community meeting room. The project cost is estimated at $48 million and a total of 105 FTEs will be needed to operate the facility.
- In Preston, the facility will enjoy fantastic views from its hilltop location that includes 54 residential units. The project cost is estimated at $32.2 million and a total of 79 FTEs will be needed to operate the facility.
Construction could begin as early as early fall 2021 with an anticipated 18-month construction schedule.
Thank you for your support. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information.
Serving Minnesota Veterans and Their Families | MinnesotaVeteran.org