After COVID moratoriums expire, registry of homeless Veterans begins filling up
MINNEAPOLIS -- This holiday season, too many Veterans have no place to call home. But the Minnesota Assistance Council for Veterans…Donor Spotlight: Hennepin County Bar Foundation
Our friends over at HCBF have donated to our Vetlaw program since its establishment ten years ago. Most recently, we…
Eviction moratorium off-ramp announced
The statewide eviction moratorium due to nonpayment of rent is coming to a close. Phasing out this protection potentially opens a…
Federal Funding confirmed for new MN Veterans Homes
TO: MDVA Stakeholders I’m pleased to share that MDVA has been notified that all three of Minnesota’s proposed new State…
Homeless outreach workers help the veterans who need more than our thanks
Everyone who served this country should have a home in it. Minnesota counted at least 308 homeless veterans on Veterans…
A Partnership to End Veteran Homelessness
Housing Story by the Family Housing Fund. To end veteran homelessness, a unique public-private partnership has developed in Minneapolis. The…
Facts about Eviction and Foreclosure Restrictions due to COVID-19
***Governor Walz issued Executive Order 20-14 on Monday, March 23rd that halts evictions in Minnesota. The full text of the…